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E. D. Morin, writer, editor
E. D. (Elaine) Morin is editor of two literary collections, Impact: Women Writing After Concussion and Writing Menopause, both with Jane Cawthorne. Her first publication, Castrations Lessons, was birthed as a limited-run short story chapbook for the Banff Centre. She is a winner of the Brenda Strathern Writing Prize and member of Crabapple Mews Collective. Her home is on the traditional lands of the Treaty 7 Nations and the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 3.
[View of the writer in her element, smiling as she belays another climber up a rock face. She wears a short-sleeved plaid shirt, helmet, sunglasses and gloves. Behind her, the sun beams down on the forested Bow River valley and Mount Rundle.]
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